Leave No Trace Trainer Course

The national Leave No Trace training program has grown to include over 1700 Leave No Trace Master Educators and hundreds of Leave No Trace Trainers. As the number of institutions, organizations and agencies interested in offering Leave No Trace training programs increases, the need to develop appropriate guidelines for those conducting Trainer courses has become apparent.

South Park Adventure Guides offers two levels of leave no trace training certifications

Awareness Level: The awareness level certificate can take 3 to 8 hours to complete

It covers all seven principals of leave no trace

  1. Plan a prepare ahead

  2. Travel on durable surfaces

  3. Dispose of waste properly

  4. Leave what you find

  5. Minimize camp fire impact

  6. Respect wildlife

  7. Be considerate of other visitors

Trainer Level: The trainer level certification is a 16-hour course that will result in Trainer certification.  It will allow to teach at the awareness level and trainer levels.

The course will introduce the students to the 7 principle of leave no trace along with preparing the student how to present lesson plans and scenarios.

  1. Plan a prepare ahead

  2. Travel on durable surfaces

  3. Dispose of waste properly

  4. Leave what you find

  5. Minimize camp fire impact

  6. Respect wildlife

  7. Be considerate of other visitors